Part of me dreads the summer. School ends Friday, and while I’m happy for a break from that routine, I fear that the kids and I will drive one another crazy in the first week. So I’m taking a few steps to proactively combat the insanity. First, we’re kicking off the summer with a week-long media fast. I know–it feels counter-intuitive. Screens are my easiest go-to babysitter. Even though it feels like I’m just asking for trouble by denying myself this outlet, it actually has the opposite effect on our family. When we started this year off with a solid week of being unplugged, I saw only benefits: more calm and focused silence for myself, more independent and creative […]
A Teachable Moment
I could see the worry in his eyes as he sat buckled into his car seat. I closed the door and climbed into the driver’s seat for the short commute to school. My six-year-old had just been hit with the sobering news that his older brother’s classmate lost her dad last week. “How did he die?” He asked the question in earnest, and when I was slow to respond, he quickly asked again. Behind the question, I could hear wheels turning, trying to comprehend that the death of a parent is a real possibility in the world he lives in. I could hear his unspoken questions, too. Could that happen to you? What if you or Dad died? Am I […]
A Little Lesson from Pond Scum
Every day on the drive to school, I pass a little pond. Nestled between two small hills and partially hidden by trees, I doubt many passersby notice it, but the little body of water catches my eye daily. What first drew my attention was not the pond’s size nor location, but the smooth green layer of algae that covers it like a velvety green carpet beckoning my bare feet. I doubt any interior designer has ever used that shade of green to decorate a space, though. Yes, I’d like that in scummy green, please. Some weeks after I first began to notice the pond, a hard rain came in the midst of a big storm. The little pond’s green robe […]
On Margin
Last night was rough. We got in bed late, and I had to get up and nurse a sick baby so many times I lost count. We were already exhausted after a 12-hour trip yesterday driving our four small kids from Nashville to Charlotte—with delays for van trouble, road construction, and a couple wrecks. It’s a good thing we left early, or we wouldn’t have made it to our own beds. Normally, I do all I can to protect my husband’s sleep. Since he’s an introvert, quality rest is important to his general well-being, and he’s usually the one to ferry kids to school in the morning before work. When he’s rested, he can cover for me to get a […]
The Mighty Oak
There lives a mighty oak Next to our crooked drive; Its trunk is tall, its limbs are thick, Its base is firm and wide. Though once its mighty pow’r Was bound into a seed, I now behold a tow’ring strength, A deeper life decreed. Strong roots spread out beneath And break the hard, hard ground While lofty branches high above Speak truth without a sound. It’s been here many years. I know not when ‘twas planted. At least a few gen’rations now Have taken it for granted. It’s lived through drought and flood; through crash and slump it grew. ‘Survived the ‘cane of ‘89 And ice storm of ‘02. I pass this oak each morn While on my way to […]
Intentionally Awesome Date Night: Personality
It’s time for our FREE Intentionally Awesome Date Night resource of the week! We’re all unique–and our uniqueness can cause varying degrees of compatibility or friction with the people around us. This is no less true in marriage. Understanding personality types can be a bridge in conflict and help us to be more patient with one another. This week you and your spouse will take a free personality test, then our worksheet will guide your conversation as you discover more about each other’s quirks and gifts. Understand more about the person you love! Click this button for your FREE pdf workbook! Personality Come to a better understanding of yourself and each other–and strengthen your marriage in the process. Happy […]
A Busy Mom’s Simple Day-Starter
As a mom of four littles, I don’t get a lot of time to myself. That’s a problem, because I need time to myself in order to renew my mind and prepare my heart for the day. Nobody likes the ugly momma who comes out when I don’t. Many of the methods of spiritual renewal I’ve used require both time and sustained mental presence–two things sorely lacking in this season of life when disrupted sleep and constant needs eat up what little margin I have. Despite my whole-hearted attempts, I’ve often felt behind, on spiritual defense in the battle for my mind. Once my brain starts taking those well-worn paths of negativity, my best hope is to struggle hard against […]
Different, by Sally Clarkson and Nathan Clarkson
This week’s #favoritething is the biggest gift I’ve received this year. A gift I purchased with my own spending money the moment I found out it existed. The book is called Different. All you sweet ones who are worried about your adhd, odd, ocd kids, autistic, Aspergers, physically disabled, too loud, too quiet, difficult or “different in some way” child, know that you are not alone. This book was Nathan’s idea. “Mom, we need to encourage others who feel out of the box or have an out of the box child so they can be encouraged by our story.” And so Nathan’s idea is now this book. –Sally Clarkson, from her blog post about Different Apart from my own mother, […]
Intentionally Awesome Date Night: 10-10
Yes, ladies and gentlemen! It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for… Here’s our FREE Intentionally Awesome Date Night resource of the week! What would you do if you had $10 million and 10 years to live? How would your spouse answer that question? It’s time to dream! Today’s worksheet guides your conversation as you dive into this fun scenario with your spouse. Click this button for your FREE pdf worksheet! 10-10 This may be a fictional scenario, but it reveals a lot about your values and priorities. Find out what energizes your marriage! Happy Dating! In case you missed it, you may want to go back and check out our original series of posts on […]
A Life of Sacrifice?
I dream of living a life of great sacrifice. I dream of fulfilling my calling as a wife and mother in myriad heroic ways. But it never happens like I expect. I envision waking early and scurrying about in happy service from the holy overflow of quiet moments at Jesus’ feet. I imagine cooking and baking and delighting my family with fresh, warm treats. I dream up happy moments of play as I lay aside finished tasks (because I got up early to do them) to spend quality moments with my children. I think about delightful meals together with our entire family conversing around the table. In reality, however, I’m too exhausted most mornings to heft my body out of […]