Just DO it!

–Originally posted on FWB21 April 7, 2011– Part 2 on obedience: Having seen numerous biblical accounts of great faith leading to giant steps of obedience in spite of serious risk, I am challenged to examine my own faith and see if it really measures up: Will I begin moving, even if I don’t know yet which way to go? Am I willing to let go of the ones I love, painful though that may be? Can I lay aside the comforts and securities of my nationality? Do I act upon the Spirit’s leading as He guides me into truth, even though my actions may be misunderstood or criticized by those around me? Could I walk boldly to a painful death […]

The Faith-Obedience Connection

–Originally posted on FWB21 April 7, 2011– This is the first in a series of posts containing a few thoughts on obedience–first as it is exemplified in the Bible, second as we should practice it, and third as we should teach it to our children. As I make my way through the Old Testament chronologically (thank you, Bible app!), one recurring thought is that there is a constant correlation between faith and obedience. Let me illustrate by sharing a few excerpts from Hebrews 11: By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. vs 7 By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go […]


–Originally published on FWB21 Mar 31, 2011– I like to sing. I mean seriously. I sing a lot of places, but when I’m working at home I like to really let it go. So, I was doing laundry the other day, and a song I haven’t heard in years popped in my head. Before I knew it, I was belting out: Sha-la-la-la-la-la, Live for today! As soon as the words escaped my lips, I stopped and shook my head. What on earth was I saying?! Immediately I was convicted. I am daily concerned with teaching my children truth and trying to live consistently what I say, yet here I am being thoughtless and careless with my words at the top […]

Discipline, or Judgment?

–Originally published on FWB21 March 16, 2012– Is there any difference between the judgment of God and His discipline? How can we tell? (You may want to get your Bible out for this one.) These questions were sparked by a sermon from Matthew 18 a while back on forgiveness and the parable of the unforgiving servant. The last two verses in that parable are sobering ones, as they reveal a side of God we don’t like to talk about very often: And in anger his master delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debt. So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart. […]

Grace in Parenting

–Originally published on FWB21 February 28, 2012– I have often struggled with exactly how to find balance as a parent when it comes to administering discipline and bestowing grace. Oftentimes I lean much too heavily on one side or the other. I’m currently reading Sally Clarkson’s book The Ministry of Motherhood, and the study and discussion questions at the end of the chapter on the Gift of Grace were particularly encouraging and challenging to me. They offer no concrete answers for my struggle to find balance, but they do offer good principles for meditation as I seek God’s wisdom in this area. Since they are based on scripture and do not necessarily need the context of the book, I thought […]

Involving Children in Service

–Originally published on FWB21 February 16, 2013– The following excerpt from The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson really resounded with me this morning: I believe Jesus will hold each of us responsible for the stewardship of the good news he has given us. If we are to succeed in our calling of raising children with hearts for God, then we must see ourselves responsible for all of those who are like sheep without a shepherd. We must involve our family deeply in meeting needs if our children are ever going to understand that they were created to serve God by serving others. When Jesus asked the disciples to “follow Me,” he was asking for each man’s entire life–time, allegiance, […]

Seeking Discernment

–Originally published on FWB21 January 29, 2013– What do you do when bad things happen, or difficult times come, or a door seems to be closing? Do you stubbornly push through? Do you break down and give up? How do you discern the will of God when everything seems to be going wrong? Is it even possible to know? This week in our trek through I Thessalonians, we read 2:17-18 and compared it with Acts 16:6-8. In one instance, it is very clear that Satan was the one hindering Paul and his companions, and in another instance it was clearly the Holy Spirit. How on earth did they know the difference? Better yet, how on earth are we supposed to […]

Motherly Fasting

–Originally published on FWB21 January 9, 2013– When women talk about their roles and activities as mothers, rarely is fasting even mentioned, much less considered at any length. I am learning, though, that fasting has powerful implications in family life, and that we mothers do well when we put it into practice for our families. Fasting is altogether rather new to me as a regular spiritual discipline. Only within the past few months have I practiced it with any regularity. But I have seen powerful effects on my walk with Christ and on my family. First, fasting causes me to rely on God in a whole new way. When hunger (or, more frequently, a craving) strikes, I am reminded to […]

On the Eve of My 30th Birthday

–Originally published on FWB21 December 27, 2012– Tomorrow is my 30th birthday. I figured since FWB21 is a blog for 20-somethings, I should make it known that as of tomorrow I will no longer fit this category. However, by the grace of God, I plan to continue to blog here for as long as they’ll let me. Until I’m too old and irrelevant. Or until Jesus comes. (I’m really hoping the latter comes first.) I’ve never been one to lament the aging process. Rather, I embrace it. Because I have long found my identity in Christ, I have learned “in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Whether single or married, without children or with them, very young or […]

Mayan Predictions and the Christian Reaction

–Originally published on FWB21 December 20, 2012– “If I knew that tomorrow was the end of the world, I would still plant an apple tree today.” –Unknown Tomorrow, 12/21/2012, is supposed to mark the end of the world. Assuming the Mayans were wrong and nothing happens, this will be my fifth time to survive the end of the world (that I know of). But, assume the world does end tomorrow: Christ returns in His glory and brings an end to time. What then? Does that change what we’re doing today? For Christ-followers, the answer should be NO. We should already be living in light of Christ’s imminent return (as his disciples have for generations), finding a balance between planning for […]