Now sleepily I lie, and wearily, drearily sigh With heavy eyelids, breaths, and limbs I dream. I’m floating down the Thames upon a stream of boats—But hark! Is that? A baby’s cry. Oh no! I sigh and moan and grip The bedsheets up around my head. I really want to stay in bed, But out I tumble—up!—and trip Into pajamas waiting there, Beside the bed, upon the chair, Where in the dark no need to see Have I, for it is certainty That I’m on call each night to feed My baby girl. I’m all she needs.
Spirited solicitude Swinish suckling Small shape Soft smells Sustained swallows Smooth strokes Serene soothing Submissive surrender Safe snuggles Sudden smile Sleepy satiety Satisfied sighs Sweet slumber